Atoms Basketball Club is a community-based organization not run for profit & based in Melbourne, Australia. Established 1996.


Managers are responsible for the day to day administration of their team, including players, scoring rosters, and uniforms, etc.

Please note that all teams need to have a minimum of 8 paid players to be viable. If you do not have 8 players when registering your team, Atoms are happy to help out filling any spaces, or may charge you a surcharge for player numbers below 8 and reserve the right to do so.

Current Managers

My Team Login

Forgotten your password? Request a Password reset or change.

Working With Children Checks

All managers over 18 are required to have a valid Working With Children card. More Info

New Managers

If you wish to become a manager to create or join a team, you need to first register for manager access to the Atoms website:

Register as A Manager

A committee member will authorise your application, and then you can either request to be the new manager of an existing team or register a new team.

Team Manager Guidelines

All managers are expected to understand and put in place the following guidelines

Atoms is a member of the Camberwell Dragons Basketball Association, based in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

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